If you want to show mandatory fields in red to visually distinguish mandatory fields and optional fields, you can do this override.
In your CSS stylesheet
.error { background-color: #ffeeee !important; border-color: #ff7870 !important; } .custom-form-item { display: block; margin-bottom: 0px; zoom: 1; } .custom-form-text { border: 1px solid #B5B8C8; padding: 1px 3px; height: 22px !important; }
In your javascript
/* * We overrides the Ext's FormPanel because there's a but using IE7-8, FormPanel and textfields (and derivatives). * IE try to render the field but the bottom and top border and invisible. We need to override the border width... */ Ext.override(Ext.form.FormPanel, { initFields : function() { var f = this.form; var formPanel = this; var fn = function(c) { if (c.isFormField) { f.add(c); } else if (c.doLayout && c != formPanel) { Ext.applyIf(c, { labelAlign: c.ownerCt.labelAlign, labelWidth: c.ownerCt.labelWidth, itemCls: c.ownerCt.itemCls }); if (c.items) { c.items.each(fn); } } }; this.items.each(fn); } }); /** * Override the Ext.form.Field to add some functionalities like max lenght... * @author Yann Laviolette * */ Ext.override(Ext.form.Field, { onRender : function(ct, position) { /** * If we specify a maxLenght for a field, the field doesn't accept more than X characters... */ if (this.maxLength !== Number.MAX_VALUE && (this.getXType() === 'textfield' || this.getXType() === 'numberfield')) { this.autoCreate = { tag: 'input', type: 'text', size: '20', autocomplete: 'off', maxlength: this.maxLength }; } if (this.maxLength !== Number.MAX_VALUE && (this.getXType() === 'textarea')) { this.autoCreate = { tag: 'textarea', type: 'text', size: '20', autocomplete: 'off', maxlength: this.maxLength, onkeyup: "if (this.value.length > " + this.maxLength + ") { this.value = this.value.slice(0, " + this.maxLength + ") }", onchange: "if (this.value.length > " + this.maxLength + ") { this.value = this.value.slice(0, " + this.maxLength + ") }" }; } Ext.form.Field.superclass.onRender.call(this, ct, position); if (!this.el) { var cfg = this.getAutoCreate(); if (!cfg.name) { cfg.name = this.name || this.id; } if (this.inputType) { cfg.type = this.inputType; } this.el = ct.createChild(cfg, position); } var type = this.el.dom.type; if (type) { if (type == 'password') { type = 'text'; } if (type == 'text') { this.el.addClass('custom-form-' + type); } else { this.el.addClass('x-form-' + type); } } this.invalidClass = "error"; if(!this.allowBlank){ this.cls = "error"; } if (this.readOnly) { this.el.dom.readOnly = true; } if (this.tabIndex !== undefined) { this.el.dom.setAttribute('tabIndex', this.tabIndex); } this.el.addClass([this.fieldClass, this.cls]); }, /** * Show the container including the label */ showContainer: function() { this.enable(); this.show(); if (!Ext.isEmpty(this.getEl())) { this.getEl().up('.x-form-item').setDisplayed(true); // show entire container and children (including label if applicable) } }, /** * Hide the container including the label */ hideContainer: function() { this.disable(); // for validation this.hide(); if (!Ext.isEmpty(this.getEl())) { this.getEl().up('.x-form-item').setDisplayed(false); // hide container and children (including label if applicable) } }, /** * Hide / Show the container including the label * @param visible */ setContainerVisible: function(visible) { if (this.rendered) { if (visible) { this.showContainer(); } else { this.hideContainer(); } } return this; } });
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