When you create a new record that contains a combo box, you should set the value to a empty string in order to avoid getting . For example.
// My Column Model for the Ext.grid.EditorGridPanel
cm: new Ext.grid.ColumnModel([
header: _("CURRENT_STATUS"),
dataIndex: 'statusId',
editor:new Ext.form.ComboBox({
id: 'currentStatus'+id,
store: statusStore,
displayField: 'i18n',
valueField: 'id',
typeAhead: true,
lazyRender : false,
triggerAction: 'all',
renderer: Ext.util.Format.comboRenderer('currentStatus'+id)
// My ADD Button
text: _("ADD_BTTN"),
icon: Constants.ICON_PATH + '/add.png',
cls: 'x-btn-text-icon',
tooltip: _("ADD_BTTN_TOOLTIP"),
handler: function() {
grid.getStore().insert(0, new Ext.data.Record({"statusId": ""}));
grid.startEditing(0, 1);
When adding a new record. The combo box will show an empty string