- Ext.menu.Menu now accepts a zIndex configurations.
- Combo values with a hiddenName of null will set the value to ” instead of ‘null’
- Field msgTarget ‘under’ target now handles field resizing.
- Exposed ptypes via Ext.ComponentMgr.ptypes. Added a new method called isPluginRegistered
- ArrayReader now passes along the successProperty in the same manner as JSONReader.
- Added a new constant for the minimum width of a prompt Message Box. Also made the confirm/alert methods explicitly specify the minWidth.
- The grid now remembers grouping state. Also added a groupchange event.
- MessageBox respects the maxWidth option when passed as a parameter to show().
- Added a new removeAll method to Ext.data.Node to remove all children.
- Menu now accepts a zIndex configuration.
- Ext.Button now correctly invokes its superclass’s onDestroy method.
- Combo values with a hiddenName of null will set the value to ” instead of ‘null’
- Update getDom to use a strict flag for IE which checks the ‘id’ attribute as a secondary validation. Update id function to use the new getDom strict flag.
- TabPanel and Window containers were erroneously defaulting monitorResize. As described in the BoxComponent documentation, this is a manually configured flag set by users when needed while using renderTo.
- Toolbar enableOverflow default set to false as per documentation.
- Resolved an issue where an HtmlEditor would flicker when being laid out due to moving the fontSelect in the DOM.
- Fixed an issue where updateEditState was called too early in the render cycle, before the Component was sized.
- Changed the behaviour so that when an item is added to a disabled toolbar, the item is also disabled.
- Added a fix that allows multiple CheckColumns to be used in a grid.
- Added a fix where the DirectStore would not accept the fields option when it had a Record definition. Also made sure the initial config object isn’t modified and changed the constructor to the newer syntax.
- Added a fix to stop the event when the esc key causes a window to be closed.
- Added a fix so that beforecheckchange isn’t fired when suppressEvent is set.
- Added documentation for beforeclose and close events fired on a TabPanel’s child items on close.
- Added a fix for the header checkbox when using a CheckboxSelectionModel.
- Added a fix that allows previously rendered nodes to be re-added to a tree.
- Removed the deprecated returnJson config. Added a new encodeDelete config option that allows the format of the deleted data passed back to the server to be customized.
- Correct baseParams transition from config option to runtime property, and deferring params enrichment (for a read action) until after the beforeload event.
- Fixed an issue when removing components with removeMode container from layouts that render the components to a created innerCt.
- TreeGridSorter revised to be sortType compat with TreeSorter
- Fixed an issue where keyboard navigation was broken after dynamically setting the root node. This was caused by calling afterRender erroneously in the setRootNode method.
- Fixed an issue where setting the root node dynamically would cause IE to crash.
- Hide non-functioning config options in Button and TreePanel docs.
- Corrected horizontal handle placement (non-snapping).
- Correct undefined namespace reference for pub vs Ext.lib.Event
- node.id now correctly included when paramsAsHash is true. Also permits placement of the nodeParameter value in the paramOrder collection.
- Fixed restful api method assertion (was ignoring user-specified methods)
- Resets lastOptions for groupBy field change.
- Changed to call setAutoScroll only if autoScroll defined by the BoxComponent instance.
- Moved verifyLayout setSize mods forward from Ext 3.0+.
- AfterRender for GroupingView should check that a dataStore and a columnModel still exist before processing, as it’s superclass does.
- Fix for Fractional size/width pixels (Firefox)
- Fixed menu separator visibility problem in IE 6
- CorrectlistEmptyText handling, dropdown list now collapses on blur. Adds autoSelect config option.
- Adds current layout to afterlayout event arguments
- Added ASP.Net example code for generating response for a ScriptTagProxy request.
- Create gray theme version of the date picker
- onResize now calls it superclass
- ComboBox list now evaluates/adjusts to the z-index of the listParent
- Panel now properly removes events it added to each of it’s toolbars before destroy
- ComboBox amended to evaluate/adjust to the z-index of the listParent or, if value is not available, that of an upstream Component. Also expands the listAlign cfg property syntax to optionally specify x/y offsets as listAlign : [ 'tl-bl?', [27, 0]]. (Menu example modified to demonstrate.)
- Reverted some changes to Toolbar which affected buttonAlign.
- Corrects scenario where GroupView enables/disables Grouping based solely on presence of a groupField (especially when the groupField is cleared externally via the GroupStore.clearGrouping method. Added Clear Grouping Button to grouping example.
- Workaround for multiple firings of change event on TriggerField in FieldReplicator plugin.
- Fixed IE6 layout quirk where #header height “jumps”. Made samples link locally, instead of linking to remote and local samples.
- Field msgTarget ‘under’ target now handles field resizing. errorIcon and errorEl elements properly destroyed.
- Exposed ptypes via Ext.ComponentMgr.ptypes. Added a new method called isPluginRegistered.
- Added a check to see if the same editor is being used to prevent onBlur from firing as the editor is being moved from cell to cell.
- QTips get increased z-index for better visibility in front of loadMasks.
- TextField font size when editing in WebKit browsers made consistent with Mozilla and others.
- Fix race condition between hiding and destroying a menu if the browser is resized when a toolbar overflow menu is open.
- ArrayReader now passes along the successProperty in the same manner as JSONReader.
- Button control over it’s menu was not specific enough.
- The TabPanel layout in the Layout Browser example should use activeTab not activeItem.
- Window Resize events should be buffered for all browsers, not just IE/AIR
- Added images, CSS and directory (css/theme-access/) for xtheme-access.css.
- IE8 specific hack rewritten in tabs.css to be more general for fixing a layout issue on tabs that appear incorrectly in IE8 Quirks mode.
- Firefox 3.6 no longer supports -moz-outline. Added outlinnone after each -moz-outline: none rule
- IE8 specific hack rewritten in tabs.css. Removed padding-top from x-tab-strip-top to make more visually consistent.
- Enhancements to Accessibility theme; added Accessibility theme to Examples (key-feed-viewer)
- Within doLayout, collapsed check should short circuit before canLayout().
- Changed isVisible with the deep flag regex to match from the beginning of the string and get past tags such as tbody.
- Radio setValue now checks to make sure it is rendered. In sync with other form widgets.
- Added a fix so Ext.mean works with empty lists.
- Added a fix for Ext.num() parsing a few edge case values.
- Made a change to createAccessor to be more flexible
- Removes the mouseover event listener properly.
- Added the Accessibility theme to two existing examples, copying them into the Accessibility section of the 3.1 Samples page. Removed the Accessibility theme from the Key Feed Viewer.
- Fixed issue with slideOut not being able to size it’s panel due to deferHeight and collapsed flags preventing the adjustment. The code now temporarily clears these flags for the slideOut.
- Added a fix so that the addElement method works correctly.
- Added a fix that allows Ext.Resizable to be used in a window. Includes adding a new handleCls property that can be added to the Resizable. Cleaned up the constructor syntax.
- Viewport will stick with a manual fire of a resize event hooked to onWindowResize.
- Clarified the differences between Container’s monitorResize and Layout’s monitorResize flags. Layout’s flag name will be changed in a future release for clarity.
- Update WebKit border issue workaround.
- Fix updateColumnHeadings to work with ColumnHeaderGroup.
- constrainScroll updated to account for scrollBars and maximizes space available.
- TreeNode insertBefore now accepts nodes that already have been created.
- Recursive layout should occur for the activeItem instead of the cardLayout itself.
- Connections are now aborted onDestroy.
- MenuMgr’s onShow now checks to see if the last opened menu has been destroyed before a visible check.
- Exception no longer thrown when a 201 response is received and data is present
- Added isDestroyed check in afterShow in case a window is destroyed during an animation.
- Added a fix to ensure grid editors are destroyed properly. Also cleaned up parts of the code to make the intent clearer.
- Added new setMaxValue/setMinValue methods to Slider. This fixes an issue that can sometimes occur with the sliding pager
- Added enableOverflow: true to the example, since it now defaults to false, in accordance with the docs.
- Added a fix for RowEditor with regards to column model changes.
- Added a fix for an issue with setActiveItem in CycleButton.
- Added a fix so that DomQuery doesn’t try and normalize attribute names when used with an XML document.
- Added a fix for isIterable with an empty NodeList in IE.
- EventManager will no longer add a task property to the function. Instead we add this in the event cache so it can be referenced at removeListener.
- Also removes the unload event from Element and moves that functionality to EventManager’s _unload which is the last function to be run before the window’s unload event finishes.
- Fixed an issue where each() wasn’t working correctly in CompositeElementLite.
- Adjusts chrome vs chromeframe detection (largely effecting IE)
- Special mousedown event for the body is now properly removed from stoppedMouseDownEvent.
- Cleanup of DomQuery. Renamed short variables to reasonable names, Removed unused values, etc
- Allow Ext.DomQuery.select to use querySelectorAll if available and not being executed against an XML document. Ext.DomQuery.jsSelect will enable you to use the non-native version. Need to add additional checks for known bugs in QSA.
- AutoLayout is now a proper layout, moved to it’s own file and extends from the base ContainerLayout. AutoLayout needs to do recursive layout calls for onResize.
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